Create a flextable from a small data frame


iris %>% 
  relocate("Species") %>% 
  sample_n(10) %>% 
  arrange(Species) -> iris_slice

header_words <- c("Sepal", "Petal")
last_id_col <- "Species"

make_flextable(iris_slice, header_words = header_words, last_id_col = last_id_col) -> myflex


Create a pivot table with flextable

tibble::tibble(my_letters = sample(letters[1:4], 100, T),
       my_numbers = sample(1:4, 100, T)) -> cross_table

cross_table %>% 
  make_pivot_table(my_letters, my_numbers, theme = "tron") -> tron_cross_table

iris %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(Species1 = stringr::str_c(Species, " very good")) %>% 
  make_pivot_table(Species1, Species, show_percentages = "none", tbl_nm = "gold table", theme = "zebra_gold") -> tbl 


export tables to powerpoint

myflex %>% 
  export_powerpoint() # a new ppt is created, named after the table

tron_cross_table %>%
  export_powerpoint("myflex.pptx") # append this slide to the previous ppt

Multiple powerpoint slides