This article contains a workflow in R to analyze a data set using xgboost to get insights that can help a consultant make important business decisions.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE)
library(tidyverse); library(EIX); library(validata); p_load(TidyConsultant)

Inspect data set

We will use the HR_data from the EIX package. Let’s inspect the variables using the validata package.

#>        satisfaction_level last_evaluation number_project average_montly_hours
#>     1:               0.38            0.53              2                  157
#>     2:               0.80            0.86              5                  262
#>     3:               0.11            0.88              7                  272
#>     4:               0.72            0.87              5                  223
#>     5:               0.37            0.52              2                  159
#>    ---                                                                       
#> 14995:               0.40            0.57              2                  151
#> 14996:               0.37            0.48              2                  160
#> 14997:               0.37            0.53              2                  143
#> 14998:               0.11            0.96              6                  280
#> 14999:               0.37            0.52              2                  158
#>        time_spend_company Work_accident left promotion_last_5years   sales
#>     1:                  3             0    1                     0   sales
#>     2:                  6             0    1                     0   sales
#>     3:                  4             0    1                     0   sales
#>     4:                  5             0    1                     0   sales
#>     5:                  3             0    1                     0   sales
#>    ---                                                                    
#> 14995:                  3             0    1                     0 support
#> 14996:                  3             0    1                     0 support
#> 14997:                  3             0    1                     0 support
#> 14998:                  4             0    1                     0 support
#> 14999:                  3             0    1                     0 support
#>        salary
#>     1:    low
#>     2: medium
#>     3: medium
#>     4:    low
#>     5:    low
#>    ---       
#> 14995:    low
#> 14996:    low
#> 14997:    low
#> 14998:    low
#> 14999:    low
HR_data %>% 
  diagnose_category(max_distinct = 100) 
#> # A tibble: 13 × 4
#>    column level           n  ratio
#>    <chr>  <fct>       <int>  <dbl>
#>  1 sales  sales        4140 0.276 
#>  2 sales  technical    2720 0.181 
#>  3 sales  support      2229 0.149 
#>  4 sales  IT           1227 0.0818
#>  5 sales  product_mng   902 0.0601
#>  6 sales  marketing     858 0.0572
#>  7 sales  RandD         787 0.0525
#>  8 sales  accounting    767 0.0511
#>  9 sales  hr            739 0.0493
#> 10 sales  management    630 0.0420
#> 11 salary low          7316 0.488 
#> 12 salary medium       6446 0.430 
#> 13 salary high         1237 0.0825
HR_data %>% 
#> # A tibble: 8 × 11
#>   variables zeros minus  infs   min    mean   max |x|<1…¹ integ…²   mode mode_…³
#>   <chr>     <int> <int> <int> <dbl>   <dbl> <int>   <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>
#> 1 satisfac…     0     0     0  0.09 6.13e-1     1   0.993 0.00740   0.1   0.0239
#> 2 last_eva…     0     0     0  0.36 7.16e-1     1   0.981 0.0189    0.55  0.0239
#> 3 number_p…     0     0     0  2    3.80e+0     7   0     1         4     0.291 
#> 4 average_…     0     0     0 96    2.01e+2   310   0     1       135     0.0102
#> 5 time_spe…     0     0     0  2    3.50e+0    10   0     1         3     0.430 
#> 6 Work_acc… 12830     0     0  0    1.45e-1     1   0.855 1         0     0.855 
#> 7 left      11428     0     0  0    2.38e-1     1   0.762 1         0     0.762 
#> 8 promotio… 14680     0     0  0    2.13e-2     1   0.979 1         0     0.979 
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​`|x|<1 (ratio)`, ²​integer_ratio,
#> #   ³​mode_ratio

xgboost binary classification model

Create dummy variables out of the Sales and Salary column. We will predict whether an employee left the company using xgboost. For this reason, set left = 1 to the first level of the factor, so it will be treated as the event class. A high predicted indicates a label of the event class.

HR_data %>%
  framecleaner::create_dummies() %>% 
  framecleaner::set_fct(left, first_level = "1") -> hr1

Create the model using xgboost. Since the goal of this model is to run inference using trees, we want to set tree_depth to 2 to make easily-interpretable trees.

When the model is run, feature importance on the full data is printed. Also the data is split into train and test, where the accuracy is calculated on a test set. Since this is a binary classification problem, a confusion matrix is output along with binary metrics.

hr1 %>% 
  tidy_formula(left) -> hrf

hr1 %>%
  tidy_xgboost(hrf, tree_depth = 2L, trees = 100L, mtry = .75) -> xg1

#> # A tibble: 15 × 3
#>    .metric              .estimate .formula              
#>    <chr>                    <dbl> <chr>                 
#>  1 accuracy                 0.975 TP + TN / total       
#>  2 kap                      0.930 NA                    
#>  3 sens                     0.931 TP / actually P       
#>  4 spec                     0.989 TN / actually N       
#>  5 ppv                      0.963 TP / predicted P      
#>  6 npv                      0.978 TN / predicted N      
#>  7 mcc                      0.930 NA                    
#>  8 j_index                  0.920 NA                    
#>  9 bal_accuracy             0.960 sens + spec / 2       
#> 10 detection_prevalence     0.231 predicted P / total   
#> 11 precision                0.963 PPV, 1-FDR            
#> 12 recall                   0.931 sens, TPR             
#> 13 f_meas                   0.947 HM(ppv, sens)         
#> 14 baseline_accuracy        0.761 majority class / total
#> 15 roc_auc                  0.987 NA

This line will save the tree structure of the model as a table.

xg1 %>%
xgboost::xgb.model.dt.tree(model = .)  -> xg_trees

#>      Tree Node   ID            Feature Split  Yes   No Missing       Quality
#>   1:    0    0  0-0 satisfaction_level 0.465  0-1  0-2     0-1 3123.25146000
#>   2:    0    1  0-1     number_project 2.500  0-3  0-4     0-3  892.94714400
#>   3:    0    2  0-2 time_spend_company 4.500  0-5  0-6     0-5 1284.82617000
#>   4:    0    3  0-3               Leaf    NA <NA> <NA>    <NA>    0.45360827
#>   5:    0    4  0-4               Leaf    NA <NA> <NA>    <NA>   -0.10822086
#>  ---                                                                        
#> 614:   99    2 99-2     number_project 2.500 99-5 99-6    99-5   28.99409870
#> 615:   99    3 99-3               Leaf    NA <NA> <NA>    <NA>    0.07221178
#> 616:   99    4 99-4               Leaf    NA <NA> <NA>    <NA>   -0.13327244
#> 617:   99    5 99-5               Leaf    NA <NA> <NA>    <NA>   -0.26394776
#> 618:   99    6 99-6               Leaf    NA <NA> <NA>    <NA>    0.05643456
#>           Cover
#>   1: 3749.75000
#>   2: 1045.75000
#>   3: 2704.00000
#>   4:  435.50000
#>   5:  610.25000
#>  ---           
#> 614:  256.00961
#> 615:  110.06954
#> 616:  101.18491
#> 617:   27.59598
#> 618:  228.41362

Let’s plot the first tree and interpret the table output. For tree=0, the root feature (node=0) is satisfaction level, which is split at value .465. Is satisfaction_level < .465? If Yes, observations go left to node 1, if no, observations go right to node 2. Na values would go to node 1 if present. The quality of the split is represented by its Gain: 3123, the improvement in training loss.

xgboost::xgb.plot.tree(model = xg1, trees = 0)

The quality in the leaves is the prediction for observations in those leaves represented by log odds. To interpret them as probabilities, use the function below. Importantly, a log odds of 0 is a 0.5 probability.

sigmoid curve: logit function

Analyze interactions

In xgboost, an interaction occurs when the downstream split has a higher gain than the upstream split.

# write the function collapse_tree to convert the tree output to interactions that occur in the tree.

collapse_tree <- function(t1){

t1 %>% group_by(Tree) %>% slice(which(Node == 0)) %>% ungroup %>%
  select(Tree,  Root_Feature = Feature) %>%

    t1 %>% group_by(Tree) %>%  slice(which(Node == 1)) %>% ungroup %>%
      select(Child1 = Feature)
  ) %>%

    t1 %>% group_by(Tree) %>% slice(which(Node == 2)) %>% ungroup %>%
      select(Child2 = Feature)
  ) %>%
  unite(col = "interaction1", Root_Feature, Child1, sep = ":", remove = F) %>%
  select(-Child1) %>%
  unite(col = "interaction2", Root_Feature, Child2, sep = ":", remove = T) %>%
  pivot_longer(names_to = "names", cols = matches("interaction"), values_to = "interactions") %>%

xg_trees %>%
  collapse_tree -> xg_trees_interactions

find the top interactions in the model. The interactions are rated with different importance metrics, ordered by sumGain.

imps <- EIX::importance(xg1, hr1, option = "interactions")
as_tibble(imps) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 30 × 7
#>    Feature                       sumGain sumCo…¹ meanG…² meanC…³ frequ…⁴ mean5…⁵
#>    <chr>                           <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>   <int>
#>  1 time_spend_company:satisfact…    1941    4734     485    1184       4     485
#>  2 average_montly_hours:number_…    1666    5943     333    1189       5     333
#>  3 last_evaluation:number_proje…     923    3498     461    1749       2     461
#>  4 satisfaction_level:last_eval…     865    3240     288    1080       3     288
#>  5 last_evaluation:average_mont…     784    1692     392     846       2     392
#>  6 satisfaction_level:time_spen…     645    2703     107     450       6     128
#>  7 average_montly_hours:time_sp…     332    2170      55     361       6      64
#>  8 last_evaluation:time_spend_c…     262     494     262     494       1     262
#>  9 average_montly_hours:last_ev…     259    1294      64     323       4      64
#> 10 average_montly_hours:satisfa…     245    1457      61     364       4      61
#> # … with 20 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​sumCover, ²​meanGain,
#> #   ³​meanCover, ⁴​frequency, ⁵​mean5Gain
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

We can extract all the trees that contain the specified interaction.

imps[1,1] %>% unlist -> top_interaction

xg_trees_interactions %>%
  filter(str_detect(interactions, top_interaction)) %>% 
  distinct -> top_interaction_trees

#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>    Tree interactions                         
#>   <int> <chr>                                
#> 1     2 time_spend_company:satisfaction_level
#> 2     7 time_spend_company:satisfaction_level
#> 3    15 time_spend_company:satisfaction_level
#> 4    28 time_spend_company:satisfaction_level
#> 5    30 time_spend_company:satisfaction_level
#> 6    99 time_spend_company:satisfaction_level

Then extract the first 3 (most important) trees and print them.

top_interaction_trees$Tree %>% unique %>% head(3) -> trees_index

xgboost::xgb.plot.tree(model = xg1, trees = trees_index)

We can confirm they are interactions because the child leaf in the interaction has higher split gain than the root leaf.

Analyze single features

# EIX package gives more detailed importances than the standard xgboost package
imps_single <- EIX::importance(xg1, hr1, option = "variables") 

# choose the top feature
imps_single[1, 1] %>% unlist -> feature1

# get the top 3 rees of the most important feature. Less complicated than with interactions so
# no need to write a separate function like collapse tree
xg_trees %>% 
  group_by(Tree) %>%
  slice(which(Node == 0)) %>%
  ungroup %>% 
  filter(Feature %>% str_detect(feature1)) %>%
  distinct(Tree) %>% 
  slice(1:3) %>% 
  unlist -> top_trees

xgboost::xgb.plot.tree(model = xg1, trees = top_trees)

By looking at the 3 most important splits for satisfaction_level we can get a sense of how its splits affect the outcome.

shapley values

xg1 %>% 
  tidy_shap(hr1, form = hrf) -> hr_shaps

#> $shap_tbl
#> # A tibble: 14,999 × 20
#>    satisfactio…¹ last_…² numbe…³ avera…⁴ time_…⁵ Work_…⁶ promo…⁷ sales…⁸ sales…⁹
#>            <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1         1.91    0.420  1.32    0.984  -0.0731  0.113        0       0       0
#>  2         0.287   0.535  0.183   0.613   1.65    0.102        0       0       0
#>  3         5.51    0.248  3.76    0.128   0.113   0.0406       0       0       0
#>  4         0.194   0.535  0.0280  0.349   2.17    0.107        0       0       0
#>  5         1.91    0.420  1.32    0.984  -0.0731  0.113        0       0       0
#>  6         1.91    0.420  1.32    0.984  -0.0731  0.113        0       0       0
#>  7         6.62   -0.703  0.0543  0.0173  0.0558  0.0458       0       0       0
#>  8        -0.154   0.538  0.146   0.623   2.29    0.107        0       0       0
#>  9         0.199   2.21   0.0567  0.369   2.26    0.104        0       0       0
#> 10         1.91    0.420  1.32    0.984  -0.0731  0.113        0       0       0
#> # … with 14,989 more rows, 11 more variables: sales_IT <dbl>,
#> #   sales_management <dbl>, sales_marketing <dbl>, sales_product_mng <dbl>,
#> #   sales_RandD <dbl>, sales_sales <dbl>, sales_support <dbl>,
#> #   sales_technical <dbl>, salary_high <dbl>, salary_low <dbl>,
#> #   salary_medium <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹​satisfaction_level,
#> #   ²​last_evaluation, ³​number_project, ⁴​average_montly_hours,
#> #   ⁵​time_spend_company, ⁶​Work_accident, ⁷​promotion_last_5years, …
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows, and `colnames()` to see all variable names
#> $shap_summary
#> # A tibble: 20 × 5
#>    name                      cor      var       sum sum_abs
#>    <chr>                   <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 satisfaction_level    -0.668  4.76     -5354.     23838.
#>  2 time_spend_company     0.328  1.22     -7864.     14622.
#>  3 average_montly_hours   0.348  1.52      -183.     10695.
#>  4 number_project         0.0409 0.690    -1867.      9367.
#>  5 last_evaluation        0.391  0.733    -3603.      8745.
#>  6 Work_accident         -0.989  0.109     -495.      3090.
#>  7 salary_low             0.995  0.0421    -195.      3064.
#>  8 salary_high           -0.987  0.0429    -263.      1468.
#>  9 sales_product_mng     -0.963  0.00691     47.3      613.
#> 10 sales_technical        0.894  0.00123    -15.6      372.
#> 11 sales_RandD           -0.967  0.00268     -0.303    335.
#> 12 sales_IT              -0.992  0.000708    -3.97     214.
#> 13 salary_medium          0.410  0.000412   -12.5      125.
#> 14 promotion_last_5years NA      0            0          0 
#> 15 sales_accounting      NA      0            0          0 
#> 16 sales_hr              NA      0            0          0 
#> 17 sales_management      NA      0            0          0 
#> 18 sales_marketing       NA      0            0          0 
#> 19 sales_sales           NA      0            0          0 
#> 20 sales_support         NA      0            0          0 
#> $swarmplot

#> $scatterplots

#> $boxplots