Imputes missing values of a numeric matrix using stochastic gradient descent. recosystem
long format data frame
learning rate
l1 cost p
l1 cost q
l2 cost p
l2 cost q
loss function. also can use "l1"
training iterations for tune
show training loss?
folds for tune validation
seed for randomness
long format data frame
input is a long data frame with 3 columns: ID col, Item col (the column names from pivoting longer), and the ratings (values from pivoting longer)
pre-processing generally requires pivoting a wide user x item matrix to long format. The missing values from the matrix must be retained as NA values in the rating column. The values will be predicted and filled in by the algorithm. Output is a long data frame with the same number of rows as input, but no missing values.
This function automatically tunes the recosystem learner before applying. Parameter values can be supplied for tuning. To avoid tuning, use single values for the parameters.